Because Silly Putty™ and Play-Doh™ are two materials that start as nothing, but can turn into something fun, something special and something useful with just a little imagination.
Computers are very similar to Silly Putty™ and Play-Doh™. A blank document will end up as a best seller book, a business plan or a screenplay. Here at SillyDoh, we want to help you with all your web and video needs, If you need a video to make your blog come to life, or want to start a podcast, SillyDoh is here to help!
SillyDoh was created in an effort to provide small businesses with the same technology that large corporations use every day to maximize the bottom line. SillyDoh takes the latest technology to customize a plan that will help your small business achieve greatness. From website creation to customized video production, let SillyDoh help your business soar!
Birthday: December 14th
Favorite Color: Blue
Favorite Day: Saturday
Favorite Movie: Back to the Future
Favorite Food: Fondue, Sushi & Mexican
Favorite TV Shows: Friends & How I Met Your Mother
Kate Piddleton (dog in picture)
Birthday: October 2013
Favorite Toy: Her Sister Pippa
Favorite Activity: Bother Her Sister Pippa
SillyDoh is open Monday through Thursday
from 9AM to 5PM and Friday from 9AM to 12PM.
Phone: 949 354 3DOH
Aliso Viejo CA, 92656